26 Nov 2011

sad! sad!! sad!!!

Ok people, thanksgiving is over and black friday has ushered us into the Christmas season. Even though this is not what i intended to talk about now, but i guess its just the right time.

I was having a little conversation with my friend over the phone yesterday as she had the picture of a young lady who had just passed on, on her blackberry messenger status. As we were discussing, she asked me "when was the last time someone had a status saying R.I.P to a grandparent" and in that moment, i realised that the number of young people dying is greater than those of older folks.

In 48 hours, between the 24th and 25th of Nov, 2011,  5 of my blackberry contacts had said R.I.P to a young adult.

The times and seasons are definitely not pleasant, so if you haven't been praying, i urge you to start. This is just a wake-up call to everyone reading, particularly you...who doesn't know God, hasn't remembered him in months or hasn't even prayed to him in weeks.

People, lets pray to God for mercy, protection for our family and finally lets remember our source.

Take Kare People and I will be back soon.

Much Love,

Tola Elesho

24 Nov 2011

Its Thanksgiving People!!!

Hello people, there has been a lot on my mind this past week(Nigeria, job, God) and i have changed my topic four times in the last few days but i have finally decided to write on Thanksgiving.

Its the fourth Thursday in November and officially the American holiday for Thanksgiving(24/11/2011). Its a day set aside by the US government, for every American to observe and give thanks to Almighty God for the many liberties that the country and each citizen enjoys. While i realise that someone reading this is wondering what concerns her/him with an American holiday.

I think its an opportunity for each and everyone of us to take a quick look at 2011, its event  (war, natural disasters, drought, joblessness, deaths, sickness) and be grateful to God. One thing that has stood out for me about Thanksgiving is that as much as America tries to decry that there is no God, yet they have a National holiday of thanksgiving to God(Isn't that an irony).

Personally, i have had so many battles to fight (i experienced my first earthquake and hurricane), had so many victories (I completed my masters, interned with the United Nations, worked with great minds in the legal field, my best friend had a distinction in her MBA programme, my friend had a baby) and yet i still battle some demons. However, all i can say is that it has been a great year and i have grown more as a woman.

Likewise, i am sure you all have had some battles and still fighting some now. Whilst i have counted some of my blessings above, i encourage everyone to do the same. Give thanks to God today for the many blessings of this year, do not take any privilege for granted because it could all vanish in a moment (even life itself). Be grateful for friends, family, loved ones, jobs etc.

Enjoy Thanksgiving people and give a poor person enough money to buy himself/herself lunch today.

p.s If you want to get back to me, follow this blog by email and you can send me an email vide that route. I am still trying to fix the issues with my followership and comments tab

Much love,

Tola Elesho

13 Nov 2011


Hello everyone,

I hereby welcome you to my blog and the journey of a lifetime. My desire to start blogging is based on the fact that i feel there are issues (such as family, religion, my country Nigeria) which can be discussed on this platform, that there are ways we can interact and encourage one another and most importantly proffer solutions.

I do not intend to bore you with any post, but i hope in one way another that we can help develop one another, exchange ideas and indeed move to that next phase of our lives through collective effort.

So i welcome you on board this journey and am sure it will be an exciting one.

You are welcome again and lets get it started. (The issues will soon start rolling)

